Following the shattering of the primordial world in the Igbo Odachi Nne Ebere mythical account, the Igbo high god, Chukwu, finds the martyred body of His feminine double, Eke-Nnechukwu and brings Her back to life with His tears. Even after Eke-Nnechukwu rises from the dead, however, Chukwu never fully recovers from the traumatic shock of this event. Disenchanted and sensing the inevitable spiritual shortcomings from this new existential state of the universe, Chukwu retreats into His solitary chamber known as Ozi Obi and irrevocably locks its door of mercy (Uzo Ogo) behind Him.
.: Material: 100% chipboard
.: 110, 252, 520 or 1014 piece options
.: Glossy laminated finish